Friday, 31 August 2007

17....finally, and other such times

Whoo!!! As of yesterday I, finally (as on of my friends wrote in my card), turned 17. As the youngest of my friends it was a long time coming!
Although we were supposed to be going ice skating (we didn't), it was still fun. It's been a long time since I had smiled for so long.

Today, being 17, I gave blood for the first time! It hurt a lot less than I thought it would. The slight stinging sensation when the needle went in was the worst bit of the pain. Then, despite being told not to do anything too strenuous, I went shopping, but didn't buy much!

On other notes.... my A/S results were quite good.

A in sociology (I am so!!!! happy), B in history (barely when I looked at the marks :s), and a C in English and RE. ( And I'm gonna re-take one of my RE exams and an English exam to try and make the mark higher!).
Although, despite my happiness at my A and B, I did cry for about half an hour because of my E in ethics :( Im still not sure I'm over it though!

And now, after turning this into the diary I promised myself I wouldn't write this year, I'm off to watch Big Brother.

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