Saturday, 24 May 2008

OpalFruits...made to make your mouth water!

Its true. They really do. But then, I was expecting them to be wonderful because they have claimed their rightful name again! Whoo!

Mild sugar rush now though :) but its ok because...I've finally finished school! Yesterday was my last day, and now I've only got to go back for the exams. Yey. Although Im not looking forward to them (not that anyone should really, That would be wrong), but they are over within three weeks of them starting. Only 11 this time. Its the least amount that I've had so thats good.

Other than my need to proclaim the wonders of OpalFruits, thats it really. I have to go back to the revision since I've been out all day watching Jack!

Sunday, 6 April 2008

Aristotle, the BBC and Dictionaries

all are really really annoying me at the moment.
Well, technically, And the dictionaries and Aristotle are linked.

I'll start from the beginning shall iI?
Yesterday, I was listening to the Kooks on BBC Iplayer, when they had been on Ken Bruce's show at some point in the week. As I was doing so, I noticed the Scouting for Girls was on with Jonathan Ross (which I was missing), so I decided to listen to them today instead. Also, yesterday, I decided to make revision cards for Aristotle's Virtues, as the 12 moral ones looses me at Cowardice.
The plan was to write the definition of each word, and then use it in a sentence. Easy? No. My dictionary doesn't give examples of sentence usage, so I looked the words up on the internet. It would appear that internet dictionaries don't either. I had to stop then, for the new series of Doctor Who (see below!), but came back to it today.

Cue BBC IPlayer, again, this time for Jonathan Ross. It just kept crashing! At least every ten minutes! And, all for one song by Scouting For Girls! I think the BBC, like ITV, do not like Mac's! Also, there still appears to be no way of putting the virtues into a sentence. I'm starting to think this was a very bad idea!

On the other hand, the BBC should also be worshiped, as Doctor Who was back yesterday!! And, despite my initial misgivings about Catherine Tate (as I really didn't like her in The Runaway Bride) she was actually really good! Her comment about the Doctor never changing was brilliant, and the mime scene was the funniest thing I've seen in a long time.
It was needed after the heartbreaking ending to Torchwood. However, the bizarre, unexpected (in this episode) and unexplained cameo by Rose was a bit odd. I'm not sure I liked it (although I did squeal very fangirlishly). This is either going to go really well, or really badly, and there will be no in between!

Well, I shall go off and attempt to find these sentences, all the while cursing the writers of the book my teacher took the virtues out of!

Friday, 28 March 2008

Its a bit late really but...

I finally bought Oliver Boyd's CDs. Ever since the website decided it hated my computer I've been trying to find out how to buy the CD. It didn't occur to me to look on MySpace! But I did, and now I'm listening to Back for the Fight. And unfortunately its distracting me from my RE essay (which was never going to go well. Its been ages since I wrote one!)

And now this is distracting me too! I'm way too easily distracted, especially if something isn't going well! I had wanted to get my two Synoptic essays done today, but I've lost the piece of paper with the questions on. So Im struggling my way through 'Outline the view that there should be no evil in a world created by an all loving and all powefull God' Its exactly how I like to spend my Fridays.

I'm slightly worried to see that this is turing into the diary I swore I wouldn't keep, although it's once again proving that nothing exciting happens, and therefore it is a waste of time keeping a diary! Oh, well, it would appear that I can't stop myself! I really hope in a few years I'll find it again, and read back over the exciting-ness that was my life.

I'll be off now, End of an Era is playing...I can't concentrate when this song is one!

Thursday, 27 March 2008

Does it ever just hit you...

that something has really ended? And you get a very strange, sick feeling in the pit of your stomach?
No? Just me then.
Its stupid really, I'm listening to 'One Last Summer' by Oliver Boyd and the Rememberalls, and its from Harry's point of view about leaving the Dursleys (for those who didn't know). But, yet again, its just hit me how over my childhood is.
I'm going to be 18 at the end of August, and starting Uni in October, and as much as I can't wait it seems a bit scary. It really really doesn't seem that long ago I was still in York, or even Belgium when I think about it.

The end of Harry Potter did signal the end of something I was trying to cling on to, as I think I said in here a day or so after! But really my childhood ended when I moved back to England, possibly here, rather than York, but thats still only a years difference. So why, as I'm struggling to write this extremely annoying English essay, has it once again hit me that it is all really over.

It feels like regret, the same feeling that I get when I look at the Army Brat groups on Facebook- if I knew then that it was going to be like this now, I would have savored it more. Took more pictures, wrote more about it. But I was only 10, as mature as I think I was (and I know that I probably wasn't, but it feels like it :p) I don't think I could ever have known. Culture shock really has got nothing on it!

Now that I'm doing trying to justify this post (not that I've done that very well at all!) I'm off to finish the essay, on the way in which journeys are portrayed....yey!

Tuesday, 11 March 2008

I'll take a penny for my thoughts...

I'm going mad. Thats got to be the only explanation for it! After nearly a whole year arguing with the head of 6th form about not doing General Studies, she finally agrees, then manages to convince me to still resit one of the exams!!
I was so happy this morning when she said I didn't have to do it, as long as I was happy with a 'C", (which, in General Studies I was. No uni'll accept it!), but then, at lunch, she brought me the grade breakdown. Which showed me, in black and white, how close I was to a 'B'. The really geeky part in me took over, and agreed to resit the Society, Politics and the Economy exam!

Grrr! There is not explanation for such behaviour. York don't even want it! And, after my lovely rejection by Bristol, thats all I really care about. And I really didn't need that. I've got my work cut out maintaining my 3 A's and bringing my English up a good B or even an A.

So now I'm facing the prospect of wasting an hour and a half of my life,again! for no reason. The only good thing is I don't have to go to any of the lessons. My revision will officially begin tomorrow! Joy!

Other than that, life's going quite well =) I just have to keep telling myself there's only about 6 weeks left! If I've got little work today I may suggest going shopping...I enjoy spending money I really can't afford to spend =)

'till next time!