Friday, 28 March 2008

Its a bit late really but...

I finally bought Oliver Boyd's CDs. Ever since the website decided it hated my computer I've been trying to find out how to buy the CD. It didn't occur to me to look on MySpace! But I did, and now I'm listening to Back for the Fight. And unfortunately its distracting me from my RE essay (which was never going to go well. Its been ages since I wrote one!)

And now this is distracting me too! I'm way too easily distracted, especially if something isn't going well! I had wanted to get my two Synoptic essays done today, but I've lost the piece of paper with the questions on. So Im struggling my way through 'Outline the view that there should be no evil in a world created by an all loving and all powefull God' Its exactly how I like to spend my Fridays.

I'm slightly worried to see that this is turing into the diary I swore I wouldn't keep, although it's once again proving that nothing exciting happens, and therefore it is a waste of time keeping a diary! Oh, well, it would appear that I can't stop myself! I really hope in a few years I'll find it again, and read back over the exciting-ness that was my life.

I'll be off now, End of an Era is playing...I can't concentrate when this song is one!

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